8th Biennial Meeting


rmn² Meeting in Oberwesel 2024

Date: 2024, June 12 to 14

Location: The conference will take place at the Youth Hostel Oberwesel, located between Bingen and Koblenz in the picturesque Rhine Valley.

Accomodation: Youth Hostel Oberwesel, and nearby hotels. There is only limited capacity of single bed rooms for students.

Participation fee:

  • EUR 100 (students)
  • EUR 200 (Postdocs, Principal Investigators)

The participation fee includes accommodation and full board. Please see below our bank account for your payment.

Posters: A focus of the meeting will be poster presentations of young investigators (to be held on Thursday afternoon, June 13). Posters shall be on display at the beginning of the meeting and can remain so throughout the entire meeting period in order to stimulate further discussion.

Poster abstracts: Needed, if you’d like to apply for a poster talk. The abstract must not exceed 250 words.

Poster specifications:
The poster must be A0 size (841mm x 1189 mm)
Poster must be in portrait style (i.e. longer side oriented vertically)

Science Slam:
There will be a Science Slam slot on Wednesday, June 12 at 19:30 which you may apply for with your registration.