Expertise in all fields of Neuroscience
Train tomorrow’s neuroscientists
Teaching collaboration is one of the priorities of the rmn² universities. A core curriculum in the neurosciences is open to all students, who will be also given opportunities to closely interact with the non-university environment of rmn².
Master’s level
A solid and wellgrounded education at early stages is fundamental to succeed in research. The rmn² universities in Frankfurt, Mainz and Darmstadt and the extra-university institutions are taking care of offering a teaching of excellence at the pre-doctoral level.
Highly qualified national and international students are welcome to apply for the MSc Program of “Interdisciplinary Neuroscience” in Frankfurt, the MSc Biomedicine in Mainz or MSc in Cognitive Science in Darmstadt. The master students are educated by the members of rmn² and are introduced to experimental neuroscience methods in different research modules. This is an excellent opportunity to identify highly motivated students in their very early stages and encourage them to perform their PhDs in neuroscience in a highly stimulating research environment.
PhD and MD-PhD programs
The graduation for a MD-PhD/PhD “Translational Biomedicine” (jointly granted by the faculties of Medicine, Chemistry, Biology and Social Sciences, Media, and Sports) of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz is open for faculty and students from all rmn2 institutions.
In Frankfurt a graduate school in neuroscience is in progess. Neurosciences is a multidisciplinary area that requires the standardized education of students coming from many diverse disciplines such as Psychology, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine. The graduate school of neuroscience under the umbrella of the Interdisciplinary Center of Neuroscience Frankfurt aims at providing a coherent and tailored multidisciplinary education for all graduate students performing their PhD in Neuroscience in labs of rmn² located in Frankfurt.
Further academic graduations to be achieved within the rmn2:
- „Doktor rerum naturalium“ (Dr. rer. nat.)
- „Doktor philosophiae naturalium“ (Dr. phil. nat.)
- „Doktor rerum physiologicarum“ ( Dr. rer. physiol.)
rmn² students have free access to all facilities at the three locations (including libraries etc.).
The teaching options in rmn² go beyond university borders as also the non-university institiutions in rmn², based on mutual contracts, are collaborating in the field of teaching. rmn² students thus have the opportunity to interact closely with the non-university environment : the Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research, the Max-Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, the Ernst-Strüngmann-Institute for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society, the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, the Institute of Molecular Biology and the Leibniz Institure for Resilience.
Graduate Academies
All three participating universities have established graduate academies for promoting early career researchers.
In Frankfurt, the Goethe Research Academy = GRADE offers a wide-ranging set of services including a broad training program, funding opportunities for self-organized doctoral working groups, individual coaching, networking events, career talks and language classes. In addition to the central, university-wide GRADE unit, there are so-called GRADE Centers that reflect key issues of university research in specific areas. One of such centers is GRADE BRAIN created to promote the interdisciplinary network interaction of young researchers in the field of neuroscience.
In a similar manner, the JGU Mainz has initiated the Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers = GYR gathering professors, postdocs and PhD students to promote young research careers, provide academic supervision, increase their visibility and favour consultation with the university management. So, all these established structures are instrumental for the fundamental goal of young career support and scientific training.
In Darmstadt, the umbrella organsiation for promoting early career researchers is Ingenium. Together with the departments, graduate schools, and research training groups, Ingenium promotes and qualifies early career researchers at TU Darmstadt for both academic and non-academic careers.
rmn² students and postdocs can use the services at all three locations equally.