
Expertise in all fields of Neuroscience

Let’s talk

Joint conferences, lecture series and talks foster the interactions between the rmn² researchers and ease collaborations.

Biennial Meetings

8th Biennial Meeting | June 12–14 2024

The neuroscience community of the rhine main area once again had a fantastic time in Oberwesel. All attendees enjoyed listening to a top-class scientific program without corona restrictions, this time under the theme of “New Brain Interfaces”.
It was also a lot of fun to follow the brilliant science slammers and to get curious about the poster session from postertalkers.

7th Biennial Meeting | June 8-10 2022

Finally it was possible again to meet live in the beautiful Rhine valley. And although the programme had to be changed at short notice, again due to corona, this did not affect the good mood on site.

  • The presentations of both the invited and the internal speakers were excellent and the audience enjoyed the discussions on topics like “Mind the Gap – from the Presynapse to the Postsynapse”, “Processing of Sensory Information”, “Cognition and Computation”, “Naturalistic Behavior” or “Neurodegeneration”
    The posters presented by the young scientists were also of a high standard and the jury did not have an easy task in deciding on the winners of the poster prizes.
    As befits a meeting in Oberwesel, social interaction and the opportunity to identify new cooperation partners were also given during the barbecue, dancing and hiking together.

    Programm of the 7th Biennial Meeting PDF for download

6th Biennial Meeting | June 7 -8 2021

Since 2018, the rmn² community had been looking forward to the 6th Biennial Meeting in Oberwesel, which was planned for 2020. Unfortunately, the Corona Pandemic put a spoke in our wheel.

  • The meeting had to be postponed by one year to 2021 and could not be held on site at the Rhine even then. Nevertheless, the program committee managed to put together an extensive, exciting program, which, like most meetings this year, took place as an online event. Thus, from June 7 to 8, 2021, the members of the entire rmn² met at their screens, not only to listen to the lectures of top-class speakers on topics such as multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy, or the vascular influence on the development of glial cells, but also to follow the presentation of new members in the network and their research fields.

    Programm of the 6th Biennial Meeting PDF for download

5th Biennial Meeting | June 13 -15 2018

Between June 13-15, more than 250 researchers came together for the 5th biennial meeting of the rmn² at our regular venue in beautiful Oberwesel.

  • Just some of the topics of this year’s meeting were: covering mechanisms of pain persistence and relief; gene regulatory mechanisms in brain development and function; the neuroscience of autism spectrum disorder; synaptic plasticity and learning in neuronal networks; and neurophysiology of cognitive functions.
    As with previous events, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and we are extremely thankful to the inspirational speakers for their engaging presentations, which offered new and fascinating insights into their respective research areas.

    We should also mention the high standard of the scientific posters exhibited by young scientists. They were undoubtedly impressive and an indication of the quality of science being carried out in the Rhine-Main area.

    As always, social interaction was not neglected and there were ample opportunities for further discussions, networking and reconnecting.

    Programm of the 5th Biennial Meeting PDF for download

4th Biennial Meeting | June 22-24 2016

Like in the years before, 300 participants gathered on top of the Rhine valley – for the 4th Biennial Meeting of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (June 22-24, 2016) in Oberwesel.

  • Topics of this year’s meeting were broadly ranged, covering epilepsy research, developmental neurogenesis, coding strategies in neural networks, translational approaches to mental disorders, the dynamic connectome, and neurobiology of developmental psychiatry. State-of-the-art talks of invited speakers and an extensive poster session of young scientists again were highlights of the conference.

    The relaxed atmosphere above the majestic river inspired intensive discussions and engagements for further cooperations, mainly focussing on the next phase of the German Excellence Initiative, which rmn² is applying for.

    Programm of the 4th Biennial Meeting PDF for download

3rd Biennial Meeting | June 25-27 2014

The 3rd Biennial Meeting which took place from June 25-27, 2014 in Oberwesel again proved to be an inspiring event for the rmn2 Neuroscience Community.

  • Topics of this year’s meeting were Resilience, Contextual Control of Neural Computation, Empirical Aesthetics, The Physiological Role of APP, Neural Homeostasis, Neurogenetics and Autism. More than 300 participants appreciated the talks of the invited speakers; outstanding research was presented to an extremely high standard.

    The feedback from those who attended the lectures as well as the social events was overwhelmingly positive. So we are looking forward to the 4th Biennial Meeting in 2016 (June 22-24).

    Programm of the 3rd Biennial Meeting PDF for download

Second Biennial Meeting | June 20-22 2012

The Biennial Meeting of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience network (rmn²) is intended to gather researchers from all fields of neuroscience.

  • The main goal is to develop a common identity of neuroscientists in our region, foster collaboration amongst them, and demonstrate strong ties to the outside neuroscience communities.

    Programm of the Second Biennial Meeting PDF for download

Public Lectures

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit

February 10, 2025

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Götz

Helmholtz Zentrum München
LMU München

January 22, 2024

Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting

Fachbereich Informatik
TU Darmstadt

February 11, 2019

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herta Flor

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit

February 19, 2018

Prof. Dr. David Poeppel

Max-Planck-Institut für Empirische Ästhetik

March 13, 2017

Prof. Dr. Jan Born

Institut für Medizinische Psychologie
Universität Tübingen

February 01, 2016

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolf Singer

Ernst Strüngmann Institut für Neurowissenschaften

February 02, 2015